The Overhaul, the Challenge, and Freddy & Friends

To those who saw the site before the challenge, you may have noticed that there’s been a massive overhaul, such as the site’s general design, and it’s not two rebrands out of date (I’m really bad at keeping up with this site). Of course now, due to the How I Helped Make The Quarantine Less Sucky Challenge (Or as I personally like to refer to it as the “Gotta Sweep Challenge” (which is not official and will never be)), this is something that I actually have to keep up with. So I’ll start by giving you something to look at when you actually come to this site.

If you’ve actually been keeping up with the site (which, I don’t think you have, because I can actually see how many times my site has been visited and when it was visited), the first thing you may notice is that this is the first post you see and there’s nothing else. There were more posts, like, a LOT more, but… they just made me cringe so hard. I was just so embarassed with the random crap that I wrote and the fact that it had like, all the colors of the rainbow on it, it was like watching a horror movie for me. So you’re welcome. I’ve saved both your eyes and mine from having to look at those monstrosities that came from the mind of an 11 year old. And if you say “but what if I wanna look?”, you don’t. You really don’t.

On the subject of earlier’s challenge, I’d like to tell you why we came up with that. I think three days ago, Mom was giving us the rundown of why keeping the house clean was important in a voluntary quarantine (there’s no issused quarantine in the US. We’re choosing to quarantine ourselves). I think she was like, taking the trash out when she said “You know what? You should start a challenge for your viewers that has them do chores for the quarantine!” I wasn’t too big on the idea, though. I’d never done a real challenge before, and what was I gonna give you guys? But as we started talking about it more, shaping the idea and coming up with prizes, I was more comfortable with it. Especially since I’m one of the very few people on this earth that actually likes chores, I figured it would be pretty awesome to get you guys on that train, especially because of the virus.

To top everything off, let’s talk about Freddy & Friends. You guys have probably heard that I’m switching over from SFM to Blender. Yes, SFM is much easier to use, but Blender has more to offer as far as quality is concerned. The only downside is that now, it’s gonna take longer for the first episode to come out. Because I have less assets to use, I have to model mostly everything from scratch. The maps, props, and even the the characters.

Is it stressful for you guys because I’ve delayed this for too long? Yes. Is it worth the suffering? Yes. The entire time I’ve been developing this series, there’s always been one thing I’ve been aiming to do, and that’s making it stand out. I don’t just want this to be another FNAF series centering around the animatronics. I’ve spent too long on it to treat it like that. That’s why I’ve gotten actual voice actors and not crappy text to speech robot voices. The story especially has been a hoot to write. Even starting with Scott’s stories as the skeleton, the story I’ve created by editing it a little and adding a bit of myself in there is incredibly deep (not bragging, but I think it might be a little deeper than Scott’s!). Pretty much everything has an explanation (even small easter eggs that don’t have anything to do with the main story), I’m doing actual research to make these kids not only sound like they exist in the 80’s, but sound like real, diverse people and not just duplicates of myself, and I’m even going as far as getting 3 other writers to help. So yeah, I’m going above and beyond the bare minimum.

Eventually, I wanna expand the team beyond just voice actors. I’m doing mostly everything myself at the moment, including writing the soundtrack (which is coming along pretty nicely, considering my lack of knowlege in music technique). But of course, I can never trust myself to get it right on my own, and if I wanna make this series come out better and faster, I’ve got to get more people on the team. Freddy & Friends is the biggest project I’ve ever worked on, and I wanna make it as good as I’ve hyped it up to be.

Anyway, that’s pretty much it. I wanna try posting stuff on here more often (mostly just brain dumps and talking about whatever the hell is on my mind), but I can’t say it’ll be too often. But I promise it won’t be when this site is two rebrands out of date again! XD

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